Journal of Art, Humanities and Social Science

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Email: [email protected]

Call for Special Issues

Special issue proposals are invited from the experts within the scope of journal to attract the articles of highest quality on focused topics of current interest of the scientific and academic community. Special issues proposal are subject to approval of journal management committee. Approved proposal will be opened online immediately. Special issues will be freely available to interested readers online without any subscription charges for wide dissemination of the information. However, printed special issues will also be available print on demand by the interested readers.

Special issue proposals should be submitted by Chief Guest Editor, who will manage the special issues. Chief Guest Editor and Co-Editor(s) should be responsible for timely completion of peer review process for every submitted article and recommend the article based on scientific and academic merits. However, Guest Editor and Co-Editor(s) must be carefully read the submitted article for initial screening before peer review process. For the unbiased peer review process and decision, Guest Editor and Co-Editor(s) cannot be act as reviewers for the articles submitted in special issues. At least 12 peer reviewed high quality articles are expected for the special issues. However, articles will be diverted to regular issues after discussion with guest editors, if fewer articles are received. We cordially invite you to submit the special issues proposal to ([email protected]) along with following details:

•  Tentative title for the special issue.

•  The Journal Name for which the special issues is proposed.

•  The focused aims and scope of special issues along with list of topics to be covered.

•  Name of the Guest Editor(s) along with name, emails, affiliations and brief biography.

• Proposed schedule and deadline of special issues publication including submission     deadline,peer review process and tentative date of publications.
