Language Editing
We are offering English language editing services to the authors who feel that their manuscript may require English language editing (American or British) to eliminate possible spelling and grammatical errors.
We ensure that your manuscript is written in correct scientific English to conform the journal standards before submission.
We will make sure that your manuscript is free of grammatical, spelling and other common errors.
We have large network of highly qualified and experienced people’s in all the specialised fields. They had long experience of quality article publications in impact factor journals.
We will ensure that your edited article will be returned within 7 working business days.
In-case your edited manuscript by us is rejected by any journal due to English language errors, we will re-edit of your manuscript free of charge (except no structural and textural changes in our edited manuscript).
We does not provides guarantee that edited manuscript will be undergo peer-review, accepted or give preference for publication in any journal including JAKRAYA Journals by using this services.
Further, it is not mandatory to submit your manuscript for publication to any JAKRAYA Journals by using this service.
We are offering this service at very competitive prices. We offer discount to the recurring customer from 10-25 percent.
If interested to use English Language Editing Service, please contact us through e-mail to [email protected].