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Welcome to the JAKRAYA Online Journal Service Portal:
We offer a comprehensive package of services for journal publishing with us without impinging on the editorial and financial rights of the journal. We provide a wide range of services for journal publishing to the professional associations, learned societies and journals publishers which could be tailored to suit the requirements. We welcome journal publishers on this platform to disseminate the scientific research findings worldwide for the benefits of scientific community. We believe in long lasting good relations with journal publishers and scientific community for their scientific services. We would happy to work with you in publishing existing and new journals. Our vision is to bring the journals published by professional associations, learned societies and journals publishers under single umbrella for the fast progress of the scientific knowledge.
Service Packs We offers a comprehensive package of wide range of online and journal publishing services, which could be customized to suit the specific requirements. We offer the following services:
• Online Services o Journal webpage along with links to society/association website o Online: manuscript submission, tracking, editorial and peer review system o Regular updating of news and events o Automatic e-mail acknowledgement to the submitting authors along with reference number o Automatic e-mail alert to the editor(s) for any new submission, peer-review and editorial completions. o Dedicated e-mail address to each journals o Online database of associations members/subscribers. o Social linking’s
• Pre-Press and Print Services o Technical Check for new submission o Article and issue typesetting (as per journal style) o Copy editing and reference corrections o International norms in journal publishing o Quality Printing and demand on sale print
• Post-Publication and Marketing Services o Journal indexing and electronic database submission o Hassle-free distributions of journal print and tracking o Strategic marketing and advertisement services
Please contact through email ([email protected]) if you have any questions, comments and further information.
We would happy to work with your association/society/institute/individual reputed professional journal publisher in publishing existing and new/exciting journal. Our cost effective scientific publishing open access, hybrid and subscription based journals on behalf of learned and reputable societies/associations and professional individual journal publisher is unmatchable.
We are using online manuscript submission system successfully developed by our expert with consultation with researcher for easy submission within short time as against the hired-purchased software systems used by most of the international publishers. This online system eliminates the postal and hard copy submission results in fast decision (turnaround) on submitted manuscript.
The authors/reviewers/editors/concerned associates will access this website and online system round the clock from all around the globe without any sophisticated software or program. The automatic e-mail alert to author regarding their submission confirmation and progress tracking online about their article results in very less enquires to editor. The easy record maintenance, global authorship, possible use of global referees and collaboration with international editors/professional bodies in related fields can be possible now with us.
Why you are publishing in dark? Take the following advantage by publishing with us:
• Online System: Online System results in the rapid peer-review, editorial decision and publication of the submitted manuscript. Authors may track the progress of the submitted articles through this online tracking system. Reviewers can download the assigned manuscript and submit their comments/decision to the editor’s disposal online. Editor(s) can manage and handle the submitted manuscript online (peer-review, revision, decision and final submission to publisher for publication). The publishers can view the accepted manuscripts that are in pipeline awaiting publication process. Further, we will assure to the authors for rapid quality peer-review and publication of accepted manuscript at the earliest.
• No Paper Work: The time, money and efforts required for hard copy submission, review, revision and final submission for publication are drastically reduced. Both authors and journal publishers in win-win conditions.
• High International Visibility, More Submission and International Contribution: The availability of your journals online along with online submission and tracking may results more visibility, submission and contributions from all over the world.
• Increase Revenue By Direct International Subscription: The visibility of journals online results in more subscription from all over the world directly to the society, which may results more income from online and print based subscriptions. Further our international collaborations may help in increasing the visibility and accessibilities of the published papers across the world; this might results in more subscription based revenues
• Online Access of Article to Society/Association Life members: The articles published in the journals will always be available to the members online (Condition Apply). This results in saving time, money and efforts to send print postal copy.
• Demand on Print Policy (Subscription Based Print): The unnecessary publication of extra print of journal issue/volume in advance is not necessary results in saving the considerable amount of money.
• Dedicated E-Mail to Every Journal in Service of Editors/Managing Editor: The dedicated e-mail (with single data base) will be provided to each associated journal editor/managing editor to contact and communicate the updates and events of society/associations regularly. This e-mail is also useful to call paper/special issues for publication.
• Automatic E-Mail Alert To Author, Reviewers and Editors after Significant Changes Occurs: The e-mal alert will be automatically send to concerned when significant changes occurs during whole process of manuscript submission by authors, assigning the peer-reviewer’s and editorial decisions online (automatic reproduces the editorial functions online only). This will save the valuable time of editor/editorial board for more constructive work effectively for the progress of the journals. Further the manuscript number will be assigned to submitted manuscript immediately along with automatic e-mail alert to the corresponding author to confirm the submission within a fraction of seconds.
• Society/Association Webpage or Link to Exiting Website and Regular Updates: We are committed to provide the tab box/link page of the society/association on the journal homepage or if society/association has their own website we will provide the direct link to society/associations website, so that no need to maintain a separate website. This tab box/link on journal homepage to society website may catch the attention of scientific and industrial community in related fields worldwide.
• Option for Open Access or Hybrid or Subscription Based Journals: The journal publisher has option to keep their journal open access or hybrid or strictly subscription based.
• Article/Issue/Volume Based Subscription Option for Print/Online Articles: Further we are committed to provide you options of article/issue/volume based subscription services to your customer in online/print form. This results in more realistic revenue to the society/association journal.
• Save Money and Avoid Delay in Publication: The considerable time and money required for postal communications will be drastically reduced due to online system results in timely peer-review, editorial decision and publication of accepted article.
• More Uses and Citation: Fast publication of article online will catch the largest worldwide researchers. The largest worldwide reach of article online may results in more uses and citations to the article. Higher citations to published article may results in higher impact factor.
• Commitment to Adopt the new features/technology of international standards for the progress of the journals.
If you think to publish with us please contact for any further details ([email protected]) today for best possible online and publishing solutions.
English Language Editing:
We are offering English language editing services to the authors who feel that their manuscript may require English language editing (American or British) to eliminate possible spelling and grammatical errors. We ensure that your manuscript is written in correct scientific English to conform the journal standards before submission. We will make sure that your manuscript is free of grammatical, spelling and other common errors. We have large network of highly qualified and experienced people’s in all the specialised fields. They had long experience of quality article publications in impact factor journals. We will ensure that your edited article will be returned within 7 working business days. In-case your edited manuscript by us is rejected by any journal due to English language errors, we will re-edit of your manuscript free of charge (except no structural and textural changes in our edited manuscript). We does not provides guarantee that edited manuscript will be undergo peer-review, accepted or give preference for publication in any journal including JAKRAYA Journals by using this services. Further, it is not mandatory to submit your manuscript for publication to any JAKRAYA Journals by using this service. We are offering this service at very competitive prices. If interested to use English Language Editing Service, please contact us through e-mail to [email protected].