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Aims and Scope
Journal of Agricultural, Biological and Environmental Sciences (JABES) is online journal published in English. The suitability of papers for publication in the journal is judged by the peer review.
Agricultural Sciences: The articles in the field of agriculture and applied Science, agricultural economics, agricultural extension and rural development, agribusiness, animal husbandry, veterinary science, home science, crop science, fishery science, forestry science, environmental science, wildlife resources, agricultural engineering and food processing will be considered for publication.
Biological Sciences: The articles on the major fundamental, applied, engineering and technological aspects of biological Science will be considered for publication.
Environmental Sciences: The articles in the major multidisciplinary areas of theoretical, fundamental and applied aspects of environmental Science and technology (viz. Environmental Science; Environmental engineering; Environmental biotechnology; Environmental toxicology; Environmental chemistry; Microbial ecology; Environmental management; Environmental informatics; Environmental pollution and public health; Environmental impact assessment; Environmental problems and possible solutions; Environmental modelling and sustainable use of environmental resources; Environmental laws, policy and educations) will be considered for publications.
Note: Article will be published immediately after acceptance and formatted proof check.