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Journal of Grain Processing and Storage (JGPS) is online journal published bi-annually (January-June, July- December) in English. The suitability of papers for publication in the journal is judged by the peer review. The Journal would like to publish high quality original research articles on processing of food grains including rice/paddy, wheat, barley, maize, millet, oats, rye, sorghum, triticale, pulses/grain legumes, oil seeds etc. The processing parts of foods grains includes the post harvest processing methods, processing machineries, milling and storage part will cover the causes and control of losses in grains, storage structures, machineries and pest management. JGPS provides a platform for rapid dissemination of significant research finding and new knowledge in the reach of scientific and industrial communities. JGPS maintains a very rapid peer review process from submission to final online publication.