Journal of Agriculture and Crop Science

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Call for paper

Journal of Agriculture and Crop Science (JACS) is a Peer Reviewed, Open Access Journals cordially inviting the authors to submit your forthcoming articles within the aims and scope of journal for possible publication. JACS is an Open Access journal; your research articles have free online access without any subscription charges to interested users. Free availability of your full articles online, will results in more uses and citations compared to subscription based traditional journals. JACS is employing rapid peer review system for every article, which result in publication of submitted article within very short periods of time. JACS editorial staff will provide all possible support to every submitting author during submission to final publication of submitted articles.

Kindly prepare your article according to the JACS submission guidelines and submit manuscript online. Alternately manuscript can be submitted electronically through email attachment in MS WORDS single file (including text, tables and figures) through email to ([email protected]).
